Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Popular Dog Breeds

A List of most popular breeds of Dogs

most popular dog breedsHere is list of 10 most popular dog breeds.For more information andphoto,please check out the link.

Popular Small Dog Breeds

A List Of Most Popular Small Dog Breeds

Popular Large Dog Breeds

List of most popular big dog breeds

Monday, January 14, 2013

Feral Cats, The Feline Wild Child

What Is a Feral Cat?

A "feral" cat is a cat who has reverted in some degree to a wild state. They originate from former domestic cats who were lost or abandoned and then learned to live outdoors or in environments involving little human contact, such as warehouses, factories or abandoned buildings. In most cases, feral cats are not completely wild because they still depend on people for their food source, whether it's a caretaker who comes by once or twice a day, a dumpster outside a restaurant, garbage cans, or the like. Relatively few feral cats subsist only by hunting.

To what degree a feral cat is wild depends on several factors. Foremost, is the age of the cat. Young kittens are more capable of being socialized and successfully re-introduced to domestic life than a feral adult. Another factor is what generation feral is the cat. A kitten born outdoors to a mother who was herself formerly domestic is likely to socialize easier than one born to a mother who is seventh generation feral. The extent of daily human contact also plays an important role in determining how wild a cat will be. If cats have regular interaction with people, such as in a community garden, they will tend to be friendlier and more approachable than if they live in a back alley where people rarely venture. Finally, there's the wild card factor, which is the particular cat's personality. It's not unheard of for someone to tame an older, multi-generational feral who has been largely isolated from people, but this is the exception.

It's important to recognize that if a cat is truly feral, then the most compassionate choice might be to allow them to live outdoors. Trying to domesticate them would be no different than trying to make a squirrel or a raccoon a household companion - you might succeed somewhat, but never fully and only with a great deal of time and patience. Moreover, you would not be permitting the animal to live in a manner that suits him best. Many well-meaning people, convinced they are "saving" a feral cat by bringing him indoors, end up condemning the poor creature to a life of hiding under the bed and being in constant fear.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) respects a feral cat's wild state. The neutering of the ferals prevents tremendous suffering and shields the cats from the hostility their behavior might otherwise draw from human neighbors. But the return of them to their own territory and the providing of adequate food and shelter gives them the opportunity to live among their own, to be free and to answer to their own unique natures. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ewww, Must I bring a stool sample?

What Are Fecal Flotation and Giardia Tests?

Roundwormshookworms, whipworms, and microscopic intestinal parasites(like coccidia and Giardia) are relatively common in pets, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t cause serious illness. Young, sick, or debilitated pets can even die if they are heavily infected with parasites. If your pet has parasites, accurate diagnosis, including identification of the parasite(s) present, is important to determine the best treatment and help ensure a full recovery. Fecal diagnostic tests, such as fecal flotation and Giardia testing, are an important part of this process.

Why Does My Pet Need Fecal Flotation and Giardia Testing?

Parasites can cause clinical signs such as diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. If your pet is showing any suspicious signs, your veterinarian may recommend performing fecal flotation and Giardia testing to determine if parasites are the cause. However, some pets don’t develop clinical signs, so periodic testing of “healthy” pets is also recommended. Your pet’s routine wellness examination is a convenient time to perform parasite testing. Even pets that regularly receive parasite preventive medication (e.g., daily or monthly medication) should be tested periodically because no single medication is effective against all possible parasites.
Any new pets that are being introduced into your home (whether adult pets or puppies/kittens) should be tested for parasites before meeting your other pets. Many parasites are transmitted through contact with fecal material, so if your new pet has worms, he/she can infect your other pets. Even if your new pet seems perfectly healthy, you should schedule an examination with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Parasites, viruses, and other medical problems aren’t always apparent, so your veterinarian may recommend a fecal flotation and Giardia test, along with some other diagnostic tests, to help ensure that your new pet is healthy before playing with your other pets and family members.
Some intestinal parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms, are zoonotic. This means that they can infect humans. Periodically testing your pets for parasites is a good way to help protect your other family members.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter Coats

Dogs need cold weather protection as well.
These guys are sporting the canine overcoat made by Ruf Wear.

They are durable and reasonably priced.

Check them out HERE

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Brrrrr, it's cold out there, be careful

Winter Weather Pet Safety Tips For Your Dog from

Don't forget your best friend(s) as it gets cold outside. Use these tips from

Nashville, TN (PRWEB) December 31, 2012
Winter has arrived and it's cold outside. Don't forget your best friend(s) as it gets cold outside. Use these cold weather tips to keep your pets safe.
Don't keep your pets outside. This is the easiest way to make sure they stay healthy. We at DogGeek never understood why people keep their pets outside. Now, with that said, we know some dogs just like it out there more. Our Pyrenees mix loves to sneak out the dog door and just lay out in the cold.
Wipe their paws. Snow can cake in their paws and in between their toes. To make sure that they do not get frost bitten, clean them out with a towel. You also do not know what stuck to them: antifreeze, salt, ice melt, all of which can be poisonous to your pet.
Let the hair grow, never shave your pet in the winter. Their hair is there for a reason... to keep them warm. How would you like it if someone took out all the stuffing in your warm winter jacket? Got a short hair pet? Help a puppy out. There are a plethora of cool and silly looking coats and sweaters out there for your dog.
Never leave them alone in the car. We all know better than the leave them in the car during the summer. You did get the memo right? In the wintertime your car can act like a fridge making it unbearably cold inside.
Keep the antifreeze away, it is poisonous. It tastes sweet to animals so they want to drink it.
Keep a warm bed. Just like you, pets like a warm bed too. Not only do they like it, they need it in the winter. Make sure they have some place out of the elements and the wind with something warm on the ground to collect heat.
Water freezes, make sure your pet's water hasn't. Dehydration is just as bad in the winter as it is in the summer.
Keep away from frozen lakes/water. Your pets don't understand that the ice is just a couple if centimeters thick and they can fall through.
Keep safe this winter.

That's a scared little Bengal kitty!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dogs Come In All Sizes

I'd guess that's at least a 120lb differential!

One Last Christmas Pic

Jasper is a cool cat...

A Late Christmas Pic

Keeping Pet Diets Healthy

For years pet owners didn’t give much thought to the nutrition of their dogs and cats. A simple bag of dried food was often enough to keep dogs healthy and well-fed. However, not all dog breeds are the same and the nutrition that is necessary for a Great Dane won’t be the same for a Chihuahua. Understanding the right food your pet requires is essential to leading a happy and healthy life. Today there are many options for dog food including food specially made for puppies and food that is better suited for older dogs. As dogs age their nutrition needs change and the more you know about your dog’s health the better chance you have of finding the right food for maintaining ideal weight and performance.

When you choose food for your pet dog there are several factors you need to keep in mind to ensure he is getting the right nutrition for his size. You are currently feeding your dog some form of food so a good plan is to list the health assets and problems with your dog. By making note of ear infections, chronically goopy eyes, a thinning coat, low energy and digestive issues you can begin to tell that what your pet is eating may not be right for him. If on the other hand your pet is happy and energetic chances are his diet is fine and won’t need to be changed.

In addition to maintaining proper weight, energy levels and overall health, pet nutrition is also linked closely with treating and preventing diseases. “Prescription” dog food diets have become rather popular as more pet owners take nutrition into consideration when caring for their pets. Studies have shown that improved dietary management can help a variety of diseases and illnesses including allergies, cancer, inherited metabolism disorders and kidney failures.