Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bandit On The Prowl...

Bandit the Bengal cat...
He's 9 years old and has a mind of his own. He's a very interesting guy. Bandit was out of sorts with an upper respiratory infection. Hopefully he is on the mend.

Another view as requested...

Cooper The Airedale

Cooper is a very friendly guy. He's a little over a year old. You can see how bright he is by just admiring that intense expression. Airedales are great dogs! I wish we saw more of them.

Maddox And Our Webmaster Gurus!

Maddox is one of two treasured dogs that this couple adores. He's 2.5 years old and tips the scales at 64 pounds. His little brother Cole can be seen on the home page here. He's 9 months old and weighs 42 pounds.

Jerry and Jen are part of the talented Lifetiled web design team. They work with Andy and Mike. Many thanks guys!


Roxie and Trixie are sisters. Not quite identical twins, but they are practically inseparable. These girls are 2 years and 9 months old. They stopped in for routine vaccines.

"What's going on with that camera???" Their shared mannerisms are remarkable.

Bella...A New Friend

This is Bella, she's 9 weeks old and just recently adopted.

Bella is VERY intelligent, her other canine family member is Cujo. He may sound frightening, but he's a great little dog. They are enjoying each others company greatly.

Mindy ...

Doesn't she look cute in her sweater. She's such a tiny little girl that happens to be very lean. She needs that sweater to stay warm in this weather. Mindy is 3 years old, she was visiting for a pre surgical exam.

Jake The Beagle

Jake is a 2o month old male beagle, his expression looks kind of serious but he's actually a very playful little guy! He was in for some routine lab work.

Murray...A New Patient With The "Sniffles"

Murray is a very handsome cat! He's 8 years old, lately he has been suffering from a stuffy nose and nasal congestion. We hope that he responds quickly to his meds.

He looks a little sheepish in this pic as we check his weight!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bailey The Coughing Boxer

Bailey is the 4th boxer dog his family has enjoyed, he's almost 5 years old. He currently lives with his sister Trini a slightly older pet, she's 12 years old.

Bailey has been coughing a lot as of late. Radiographs showed a moderate bronchitis. He should do well with antibiotic therapy.

Spatz...The Barn Dog Drop Off

Spatz is a cute little guy, just a tad over 3 years of age. He literally was "dropped off" at a horse barn. The poor guy was feeling just miserable as he had contracted sarcoptic mange. His new owners were diligent and nursed him back to good health.

Here he is with his equestrian "savior" He truly is adored by his entire family.

Axel The Dachsund

Axel is one month shy of his 15th birthday! He has a bit of a startled look in this pic, we kind of caught him off guard.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Whoopsy Daisy

Daisy looks more than just a little nervous in this shot. Perhaps because she had just been medicated for an upper respiratory infection.

Daisy was given to her owner Joan by a friend. You should see Joan's face light up just talking about her pup! Daisy is only 4.4 pounds.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ollie The Pet Therapy Dog

Ollie is almost 2 years old. He's an extremely friendly guy. Ollie is another Southern rescue dog, you just can't beat the personality!

His owner Julie is admirably planning to have him certified as a pet therapist. He will then be allowed to visit folks in hospital or convalescent homes. He was visiting us yesterday as part of his certification process for a general health exam.

All Dogs...Large And Small

Here's Sampson a 6 year old Saint Bernard, he tips the scale at 121 pounds!

His friend below is Josie, a 4 year old Yorkshire Terrier. She's a petite 5.4 pound girl.

Our light weight of the day is appropriately named Little One. There's nothing too her. She's 3.4 pounds. Somehow the camera appears to have added a few pounds on her.

Free Willy's Quest For Freedom...

Here's Free Willy in profile. He's an absolutely stunning 8 year old DSH.
His family loves him...and he knows it. He's staying with us for a few days as he has a lingering illness.

Looks like we caught him considering escape to freedom.

Animal "Innards"

This is a digital radiographic image of Free Willy's abdomen. He had a very distended colon, fortunately he is now on the mend!

Digital radiography provides outstanding clarity and detail, this web based shot unfortunately cannot convey the actual clarity.

When required DR also allows us to e mail images to specialists for fast consultation.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Floyd The Wonder Dog

This picture was shot at Floyd's official first birthday party. As you can see he's a real party animal.

Floyd is the second of 2 great labs in the family.

And we thought Floyd was the only party animal in the family...guess again!

It's an entire family of party"s 11 year old Winston as Frankenstein

And Winston's best buddy, the late Zeke...what a great dog. RIP

Ember Post Op After Surgery

Ember was spayed earlier this week. Here she looks a little bleary eyed as she recovers.

A dog spay entails complete removal of the reproductive tract. This not only ensures she will not have puppies, it also prevents a serious uterine disease. Pyometra. Her incision was fairly small.

Sutures are typically removed in 10 days.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Westminster Dog Show Champion

How appropriately named...Numero Uno took best in show. This is the first beagle to ever take that title.

Uno is Number One at Westminster

Click to enlarge

Uno the underdog beagle first captured the hearts of the crowd at the 132nd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and then he won the affection of the judge, becoming the first beagle to win Best in Show Tuesday night. He's Numero Uno now.

"He's the most perfect beagle I've ever seen," judge J. Donald Jones said. "The standard of perfection for the beagle is very clear. It describes him."

"If you saw him go around the ring, you saw a perfectly smooth locomotion," Jones said. "Not one muscle went the wrong way. ... And look at his face, you just melt right down."

Uno defeated a toy poodle named Vikki, the nation's No.1 dog last year; a Sealyham terrier named Charmin; a standard poodle named Remy; an Australian shepherd named Deuce; a Weimaraner named Marge; and an Akita named Macey, the No.2 dog last year.

Expect Uno to be one of the most popular Westminster winners, says the longtime TV host of Westminster, David Frei, given that a beagle is an all-American dog and one of the most popular breeds in the country.

"He's the people's dog," handler Aaron Wilkerson said. "He's exactly what a beagle is supposed to be, a merry little hound." Besides, he's awfully cute.

With dreamy brown eyes and a continually wagging tail, Uno was clearly a crowd pleaser at Madison Square Garden. Even during quiet moments, fans shouted "Uno!" as if this was a football game and not a dog show full of tuxedoed and sequined fans. When Jones picked Uno, the crowd gave him a standing ovation.

But he's more than just a pretty face and a fan favorite. He's also one accomplished hound. Almost 3, Uno, who is officially named K-Run's Park Me in First, was the No.6-ranked dog in the country and ended last year as the No.1 beagle and No.1 hound. He won the hound group at the prestigious AKC/Eukanuba national championship in December.

When Wilkerson, who lives with Uno in Columbia, S.C., was asked in the news conference about Uno's personality, Uno woofed as if on cue. He also grabbed a hold of a fuzzy microphone boom on the end of a TV camera a few times as if it was his favorite duck toy. Of course, he barked throughout, which sounds more like ahh-rooo.

After making the rounds of the TV morning shows, Uno will spend the rest of today being feted at various luncheons. He will also eat steak on a silver platter at Sardi's Restaurant in Manhattan, as is the custom for the winner. He has even been asked to ring the opening bell on Wall Street on Friday. And it's only just beginning.

Farewell, Vikki: Vikki, the all-time winningest toy poodle, is headed on a plane to Japan to begin retirement with her breeders.

Which is why Tuesday was difficult for her handler, Kaz Hosaka, who has lived with Vikki the last 21/2 years in Greenwood, Del. It will be so emotional that Hosaka said he can't drive her to the airport. "The sad thing is she doesn't even know she's leaving," Hosaka said.

"I will miss her, and she will miss me," Hosaka said as he snipped Vikki's pompons. "And she will miss dog shows." (Vikki, officially known as Ch. Smash JP Win A Victory, has 108 Best in Show wins.)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pop Quiz...

Name the 10 most popular pure bred dogs according to the AKC.

Click here for the ANSWER

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Murphy's Birthday is Sunday

He's reached the tender age of 1 year. Poor Murphy was the product of a deplorable background. He has adapted and matured very nicely over the last 6 months. He's so affectionate.

He LOVES his Mom!

If you've seen him in the hospital you know he yaps a bit, but he means well!

Twin Brothers???

Not exactly, but they certainly appear to be. Both guys are from Lab rescue. Bo is 13 months, Dakota is 18 months.

Adopting a rescue dog truly means a life saved. These boys, as many others we've shown are from the southern states. Save a life! Enjoy their gratitude. It's truly amazing...

Chocolate Labs

The big guy is Bear, he's 8 months old. This family's newest addition is Eli. He's just 8 weeks old. They are brothers of sorts, in the dog world. Same Mom but different Dad's.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wesley is on the left, He's 13. Angelica is an active 9 year old . They're both great dogs with lots of energy!

"Mutt and Jeff" Of Rescue Dogs

Actually it's Bella the 12 pound Schnauzer and Trinity a 70 pound Boxer cross. Both are almost 3 years old. They get along very well together.

A Family Picture

Here's Inga, a fun loving lab!

They recently sent us a picture of baby's first Christmas, of course Inga was with the family.

Angus Is a Working Dog

He's a 3 year old black lab that has been specially trained to devote his life to helping his owner. He retrieves dropped items, picks up his own leash, he even gets specific items from the freezer. Angus retrieves small packages from UPS etc. His vocabulary is quite extensive.

You'll note that in the picture he has no interest in that tennis ball. His job is to help his owner, how admirable!
He does enjoy a good romp in his free time and has a wonderful life. When he's told "to get dressed", ie his vest is put on; he's all business.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Here's A Fairly Unique Breed

This is Papillona, she's a 9 month old Papillon. She stayed with us awhile as she had an upset GI tract. She'll be going home later in the day. She's very intelligent and full of energy.
We often see her running at full speed in doggy day care.
This is Daisy, she's just a baby. This condition developed almost over night. It's called in lay terms a Cherry Eye. We are treating her with topical medications to reduce the protruding membrane. Hopefully it will resolve, if not there's a simple surgical solution.

Here's some additional info

Cherry Eye... Third Eyelid Eversion In The Dog

Cherry Eye in the dog is a picturesque term for Everted Third Eyelid. The Third Eyelid is also known as the Nictitating Membrane. It serves as added protection for the eye through an interesting ability to close upward and Cherry eye in a dog.. over the dog's eyeball. The canine is able to retract the entire eyeball backward' into the eye socket, and coupled with this retraction is the Third Eyelid's ability to slide up and over the retracted globe.

On the underside of the Third Eyelid is a small gland. It secretes about 30 percent of the eye's tear production. Some surgeons prefer to preserve this gland at the time of surgery to correct Cherry Eye, with the thought in mind that if the other tear producing apparatus ever fail due to infection, trauma, or autoimmune disorders, the gland of the Third Eyelid will be of benefit to the eye.

Once the tear production of an eye fails, a chronic dryness ensues and adversely impacts the health of the eye surfaces. This "dry eye" is called Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS)

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) or "dry eye" describes the changes in the eye which result from lack of tear production. To understand "dry eye" it is helpful to know how tears help keep the cornea healthy. The cornea is the optically clear portion of the eye that allows entry of light into the eye. Like all living tissue, the cornea requires a supply of oxygen and energy to remain healthy. Oxygen and nutrients are supplied to most tissues by the blood that moves through the area in blood vessels. The healthy cornea has no blood vessels, if it did it wouldn't be clear, so the oxygen and nutrients are supplied through the three-layered 'tear film.'

The images below of CHERRY EYE can be clicked on for a close-up look in a new window.
They are fairly large sized images and will take a moment to


The thumbnail images below should be clicked on to reveal full sized images of one surgical method of correcting an everted Third Eyelid. In this case the surgeon has elected to remove the thin strip of cartilage that has weakened and bent backward along with the gland of the Third Eyelid. Generally there is little bleeding and care is taken not to cut through the entire eyelid. It is seldom a good idea to remove the entire Third Eyelid. By removing the weakened and bent strip of cartilage and the gland the eyelid is able to retract into its normal position in the nasal corner of the eye.... allowing less irritation and decreased potential damage to the cornea.

Click on an image to enlarge... click on ZOOM for a close up

Dog and Cat Health Care Topics in ThePetCenter.comDog and Cat Health Care Topics in ThePetCenter.comDog and Cat Health Care Topics in ThePetCenter.comDog and Cat Health Care Topics in
This view displays an everted Third Eyelid and adjacent structures. ZOOMAlligator forceps are used to stabilize the Third Eyelid so the surgeon can have a good look at the underside of the lid. Just below the inside edge of the lid the scissors begins to incise parallel to the lid margin. ZOOMThe thin cartilage strip is cut through and the gland is undermined and pulled away from its attachment to the inner surface of the lid.
Dog and Cat Health Care Topics in ThePetCenter.comDog and Cat Health Care Topics in ThePetCenter.comDog and Cat Health Care Topics in ThePetCenter.comDog and Cat Health Care Topics in
The deep attachment of the gland and the cartilage strip are incised. This view is looking from beneath the separated gland of the Third Eyelid. ZOOMThis view shows the surface of the gland of the Third Eyelid as the scissors completes the removal of the offending tissue. ZOOMImmediate post op view of the relaxed Third Eyelid after the gland and bent cartilage have been removed. Healing is complete in just a few days. A close-up of the excised gland of the Third Eyelid. The thin strip of cartilage is barely visible in the center of the specimen.